Patch v2001 – Drag & Drop Inventory, Gamepad Support, Guild Permissions & Avoid Agro Tiles

1/15/21 - 2/5/21
Version 2001

- Added additional server error handling to reduce impact of crashes.
- Added remapping support for gamepads.
- Inventory drag-and-drop support added for desktop users.
- Modified guild permissions so officers can promote initiates to members.
- Added an NPC avoid aggro tile type which if a player is on will now draw initial aggro even if adjacent to the NPC.
- Disabled ability to swap out equipment while in combat. - Implemented reCAPTCHAv2 for new accounts and account modifications/recovery.
- Fixed in combat notification to show when one shotting NPCs.
- Added additional item scripting functions.
- Added item based cooldown so items can share the same cooldown timer.
- Migrated all game data to database rather than using flat files.
- Added global chat throttling through scripting.


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Jun 11, 2020

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